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Quarantine tickets

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Clara Moley, Sciences Po Lille alumni and author of the book the Rules of the Game, had the idea of creating these quarantine tickets to share her positive thoughts during confinement. These are real escapes in closed weather, a break to push back the walls of our apartments.

Each week, find a 1à-minute podcast composed of a positive thought on a specific theme, good recommendations (book, film and music) and a minute of serenity in soundscape:

Ticket n ° 7: Belt and suspenders

A thought about risk or how to regain a taste for risk is the best way to start shaping the famous "world after".


Ticket n ° 6: The North star

A thought on the meaning: Where to find it & how to give it to this period which is characterized first of all by its absurdity.


Ticket n ° 5: The King is dead, long live the King !

A thought on the individual or how the crisis reveals our real power to transform the world.


Ticket n ° 4: Bush quarantine

A thought on letting go:
Or how the quarantine authorizes us to send our false essentials to a walk and at the same time reveals our real priorities.


Ticket n ° 3: Time reclaimed

A thought about the weather or how to be stuck in the present could be the great gift of quarantine.


Ticket # 2: Praise for Resourcefulness

A thought on the resourcefulness or how in times of crisis we discover unsuspected resources.


Ticket # 1: The Power of Initiative

A thought on freedom, how to find it, how to create it.


Find out more

Find the portrait of Clara Moley and her profile in the Sciences Po Lille alumni directory.

Rediscover the "Rules of the Game" podcasts.


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