Sciences Po Lille and the Association of the School Graduates are responsible for bringing together alumni, students, recruiters, teachers and administrative staff of the establishment.
This project lacked a federative structure, a network facilitating the dissemination of information, exchange, mutual aid and professional networking. This gap is now filled by the launch of our new web platform
"The network of the Sciences Po Lille student and alumni community"
Many tools are available :
- The directory of students and graduates with their geolocation
- Job and internship offers
- News from Sciences Po Lille and its partners, as well as information intended for students of Sciences Po Lille
- An Agenda of key events organized by Sciences Po Lille and also by graduates of Sciences Po Lille
- A private messaging system.
Each student has control over the confidentiality of their data and can freely share their access with the other members, potential recruiters or teachers of the platform.
Do not hesitate to seize it, to bring this network to life by your contributions and by sharing it with your knowledge from the Sciences Po Lille student and alumni network.