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Portrait of graduates: Marine Monpays

Portraits d'Alumni



Marine MONPAYS joined last month the Little Agency teams to create a strategic planning unit, which she will manage.

Her objective: to benefit from  her expertise in consulting and brand strategy acquired in numerous agencies in the different branches of the agency, whether in branding, innovation, packaging or retail.

Her journey

Born in 1988, graduated from Science Po Lille in the Master of Public Careers cycle, major in Cultural Institutions Management in 2012, Marine began her career as advertising manager within the Infopro Communications group. She was then in charge of marketing the advertising space on the group's sites (LSA, L'Argus de l'Assurance, Usine Nouvelle, etc.) before joining the design agency Dragon Rouge as project manager within the unit. innovation and foresight. Among other things, she accompanied groups such as Le Petit Marseillais, 1664, Cointreau and Nestlé Waters.

In 2017, she joined the CBA group and created the strategic planning for the SUB design agency, working in particular for Bonne Maman, Bonduelle accounts and Castel wines.

The Little Agency

Born from the common passion of its two founders for design, Little Agency has become a recognized creative agency.

Specialized in packaging, the agency has supported the major international beauty, luxury and spirits groups for over 12 years: L’Oréal, Clarins, Vichy, Garnier, Coty, Shiseido, Lancaster, Bacardi-Martini ...

Composed for the most part of creatives, Little Agency places innovation and imagination at the heart of its model.

Its ambition? Imagine the future of brands!

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Find Marine Monpays's profile in the Sciences Po Lille Alumni directory


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