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Portrait of the professional integration and apprenticeship team




The mission of the professional integration and apprenticeship department is to prepare, support and facilitate the entry into the professional life of our students from 1st year to 1 year after graduation.

Its activities

  • A professional integration observatory: a survey on professional integration is sent each year to alumni 6 months, 18 months and 30 months after graduation.
  • Support systems for professional projects from the 1st to the 5th year:
    > Conferences of methods and individual coaching for all students, 1st and 2nd year students
    > Masters Forum
    > Conferences and aperitifs with alumni
    > Alumni platform including internship, apprenticeship & job offers as well as the alumni directory ...
  • The animation and coordination of major ambassadors.
  • The internship service: manages and supports optional internships, international mobility internships for 3rd year, compulsory internships at the end of the masters.
  • Relations and partnerships with the alumni association, institutions and companies for interview simulation workshops, for internship, apprenticeship and job offers, for tutored projects, etc.

The team

Anne-Claire Beurthey, Director of Professional Integration and Apprenticeship

She defines the strategy and directs the actions to promote the professional integration of students in line with the objectives of the school management, the proposals of the team and the alumni association, the needs of students and students, developments in the professional world.

She contributes to the development of relationships with organizations, associations and public institutions.

She is also educational manager of the major Management of cultural institutions in apprenticeship.

Elsa Diévart, responsible for professional integration and learning

She leads and coordinates the professional integration and learning management team. In particular, she manages professional integration surveys, evaluation and improvement of the tools used by the team.

Finally, she takes part in collective workshops to prepare for recruitment in 1st and 2nd year (CV writing workshops and cover letters, interview techniques) and leads the team of professional coaches responsible for individual coaching sessions.

Claire Van Wynendaële, in charge of alumni relations and mentoring

She runs and manages the alumni platform (news, events calendar, collection of alumni testimonials, etc.), develops and supports School projects in connection with alumni intended for students, students (conferences and professional aperitifs, returns experiences, one-off events, etc.), supports the major ambassadors program and implements mentoring between alumni and students.

Catherine Lebas, manager of the internship service, professional integration assistant

She is responsible for the administrative management of the 600 annual internships carried out by students at Sciences Po Lille. It oversees the production and dissemination of information on internships and implements tools to optimize research and the development of internships.

She manages the preparation of internships for international mobility in the 3rd year and validates the assignments.

In coordination with Elsa Diévart, she participates in the organization of workshops on support for professional projects.

Finally, she ensures the administrative follow-up of the students during the internships and the relationship with the host organizations, and the teaching managers.

Karine Collie, internship and professional integration assistant

She assists Catherine Lebas in the administrative follow-up of optional and compulsory internships. In particular, it ensures the administrative management of agreements and endorsements in relation to the host organizations.

It informs students about the internship modalities and updates the tools to facilitate their research (history of internships, CRM ...).

Charlotte Meznad, in charge of apprenticeship and apprenticeship tax

She provides administrative management of apprenticeship training: contracts, agreements, budget and financial monitoring, communication, management of schooling.

In addition, she supports and informs apprentice students, their future employers, their apprenticeship master or mistress, on the terms of apprenticeship training.

Finally, for business partners, she is in charge of collecting the apprenticeship tax.

Do not hesitate to contact one of the above contacts according to your needs or requests.

The professional integration and learning team

Learn more about a student's professional project, student at Sciences Po Lille

A student enters Sciences Po Lille, attracted by the multidisciplinary nature of the training. The professional project will gradually be built up during the stages and the choices that mark out the education: the courses, the internships, the year of mobility abroad, the choice of specialty and major, the dissertation of research or expert report, professional training, meetings with alumni, etc.

Multidisciplinarity makes it possible to develop specific skills recognized and sought after on the job market. Students, graduate students can exercise a great diversity of trades and fit into many fields of activity thanks to the quality of the training received and the adaptability acquired during their course.

Discover the figures for the professional integration of our students


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