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Alumni's interview : Anne-Cécile Mailfert

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Anne-Cécile, graduate of the major management in social innovation of the Ernest Hemingway class (2008), is the president of the Women's Foundation.

Her journey

Committed since very young to the defense of women's rights, her professional career combines social entrepreneurship and community life.

She began her career in the private sector as CSR project manager for the company Dole Food in April 2008.

In October 2009, she became general delegate of BlueEnergy, association for the promotion of renewable energies in Nicaragua.

From 2012 to 2016, Anne-Cécile held the position of director of development for the Movement of Social Entrepreneurs (MOUVES). At the same time, she is president and spokesperson for Osez le Féminisme.

In March 2016, following the lack of resources of associations for the defense of women's rights, she created the Women's Foundation, the first French structure whose objective is to raise funds to support projects and actions in favor of gender equality, the fight against violence and for the rights of women.

The Women's Foundation

The Foundation intervenes in 3 ways (financial, material and legal support) in various themes: violence against women, women's health, economic development, women's rights, precariousness, sexism, professional equality and diversity.

In March, the Women's Foundation celebrates its fourth anniversary!

It's not the only event this month. The Foundation inaugurates the first French center dedicated to women's rights, the Cité Audacieuse, located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris.

It aims to be an innovative, multidisciplinary place open to the public. Welcoming associations dedicated to the rights of women, project promoters and the general public. The purpose of the Cité Audacieuse is to be the beating heart of feminism and to embody the society of tomorrow, truly egalitarian, allowing all of these actors and actresses to "make city" behind the motto "Freedom, Equality, Sorority "

To find out more: the
Audacious City

Do you want to support the foundation? Several monthly programs are available, including the historic program
#8eurostousles8. Don't hesitate to make a one-time donation.

Find out about
Anne-Cécile Mailfert on her profile in the Sciences Po Lille Alumni directory.


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