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Portrait of graduates: Florian Mazoyer

Portraits d'Alumni



Florian Mazoyer is appointed Head of Banking, Finance and Insurance at Enov.

In order to develop its Banking-Finance-Insurance department, Enov recruited Florian, in March 2020, as Activity Manager, within the Services BU headed by Cecilia FRY. 

« We are delighted to welcome Florian! His skills, dynamism and curiosity will quickly make him a pillar for the Services division and for the entire company. His experience in the sector and Services in general, and his taste for hybrid and collaborative approaches will allow him to support our clients, on their challenges of customer centricity, diversification, and more broadly of services, products and redesigned paths, to the yardstick of the Covid era. » says Cecilia FRY, director of Service department.

His journey

Graduated from Sciences Po Lille, major in Politics, Economy and Society in 2009, Florian had the opportunity to work for large institutes such as Ipsos and Repères, in posts of qualitative studies..

With 10 years of experience in studies and 4 years on accounts in the banking and insurance world, he will support clients in their innovation, brand and customer experience issues. 

His different experiences in Services (BFA but also IT and Telecoms), on digital (UX and Artificial Intelligence) and in innovation allow him to have a clear vision of the Banking-Insurance sector and its challenges.

« Joining Enov is a great opportunity to continue working in a rapidly changing sector, while evolving within a company that has made innovation and 'work differently' the heart of its DNA, serving '' one goal: to put the individual at the center of our customers' strategy.» says Florian MAZOYER. 


Enov is a marketing research firm recognized for its expertise, its innovations and its "innovative" working methods. We practice hybridization, we are digital enthusiasts, we favor agile methods and we believe in collective intelligence. We support large advertisers in France and abroad on marketing and commercial issues, in a context of digital transformation (customer experience, offer, communication, etc.).

Our job : listen, observe and converse with the consumer to transform insights and data into action.

Our daily ambition : to answer the questions that brands ask themselves, but also those that they do not yet ask themselves! 

His book

Florian's experience in the banking and insurance world is not everything to remember from his career. He has been writing for over 10 years.

A few years ago, he published a collection of short stories "
Demiurge et autres nouvelles" published by Gallimard and is in the process of finalizing the writing of a novel.

Read more

Find Florian Mazoyer's profile in the Sciences Po Lille Alumni directory.


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