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Portrait of graduates : Emilie Decarne - Continuity of public service and crisis management

Portraits d'Alumni



Graduated from Sciences Po Lille, major in Politics and Society, promotion Robert Badinter (2001), Emilie is Deputy Director General of Services of the town hall of Armentières. She was also President of the Sciences Po Lille Alumni Association from 2015 to 2018.

Her journey

After graduating from Sciences Po Lille, Emilie continued on to a Masters in Communication Strategy and Management at the Lille Business School.

In April 2003, she became head of the Editions Publications service at the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Vieillesse in Paris.

In April 2004, she passed the competition for territorial attaché with flying colors and became Director of Public Markets and Communication for the town hall of Achicourt.In June 2006, she took up the post of information, protocol and twinning manager for the town hall of Armentières.

In 2012, Emilie continued her career at MEL as administrative manager in the Protocol Department.

Finally, since January 2013, she has been DGAS at the Citizen and Urban Development Pole of the town hall of Armentières. Her main functions concern:

  • the implementation of strategic decisions & administrative, legal and financial control of the cluster.
  • service management: CCAS and the solidarity policy, Housing, Citizen Cohesion (Health Promotion Disability, city policy, Population and regulations, participatory democracy), Economic and urban development, Public tranquility and urban management of proximity (including the democratization of access to justice, the police, green spaces and cleanliness).

Crisis management during the pandemic

Continuity of services was essential in the management of this pandemic.

The Communal Center for Social Action (CCAS) is on the front line. A self-catering residence for the elderly who are not dependent and home help / care services for vulnerable people must maintain their activity. A vigilance device for vulnerable people normally used during the heat wave plan is reactivated. A home delivery delivery system for the elderly and disabled comes into action. The social and solidarity grocery store remains open to families; human logistics and supply are assured.

In the context of public tranquility, the municipal police ensures compliance with confinement rules and the city's cleaning service remains operational.

The Civil Registry continues to issue birth and death certificates, but reduces its activity to issue national identity cards and passports.

On the economic development part, support is provided to traders during the downtime with, among other things, the establishment of a home delivery service and assistance in resuming activity with the creation of a good practices, the installation of markings on the ground and the distribution of masks by municipal agents. Direct financial assistance to merchants is also set up, in addition to a vast communication campaign to reassure customers.

Back to school is also the subject of a new health protocol concerning the maintenance of the premises and especially the reception of the little ones.

Solidarity has been present throughout this difficult and exceptional period. The available agents responded positively and in number to help and participate in additional missions, in order to maintain a public service adapted to the urgency of the situation. A mask workshop has been set up and 26,000 masks have been distributed to all the inhabitants of the town of Armentières.

Read more

Find Emilie Decarne's profile in the Sciences Po Lille Alumni directory.


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