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Portrait of coaches: coaching or personalized support at Sciences Po Lille




The coaches form a team of 5 professionals, chosen for their knowledge of the world of the grandes écoles. The coach establishes an exchange based on trust and respect with the student, with the aim of promoting reflection, awareness and development actions to enable them to find their own solutions and achieve their goals. objectives in a sustainable manner.

Objective of coaching at Sciences Po Lille

Support the student in his choices and his reflection by taking stock with him on the degree of maturity of his professional project. To achieve this objective, Sciences Po Lille pays particular attention to personal development through knowledge of oneself, others and sources of motivation. 

For who ?

For second year students of the General stream and the Franco-Spanish stream: an individual 45-minute coaching session based on the CV and cover letter. 

And for first year students of the Franco-British, Franco-German and Franco-Italian Streams

For second year students who have opted for mixed mobility: group workshops and interview simulations in English.

The team


Professional coach. Graduated from Sciences Po Lille, promotion Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1998). 
Director of INTEGRAM.

"Enriched with my own professional experience, I created my company to help students and companies to get to know each other better, to choose their path and to develop their potential. The alumni platform will tell you more !

My motivation at Sciences Po Lille: to help you see things more clearly, as I would have liked to be accompanied when I was in your place, to make more informed choices. The more this reflection is done upstream, the more it is adapted to your aspirations."


English-speaker. Consultant and trainer in business. Coaching of individual practices and personal development. 
Director of "Wings".

"I am not here to impose a direction on you. My role is to listen and then to help you find the path that will allow you to flourish.
We will talk about passions, we will talk about transferable skills, then we will look together at which actions to prioritize to achieve the goal."

Catherine MORIN

Coach. Graduated from Sciences Po Paris. 
Lecturer at Sciences Po Paris in public speaking.

"Finding a job that suits you. This is the key to your professional and personal development.

Why do some people enjoy working? Because they started with them and were able to move into professions that showcase who they are.

Coaching means initiating this reflection on oneself together, which allows you to become free and find your way to act and build the world of tomorrow."


Certified professional coach. SKEMA Lille graduate. Passionate about human development, I decided to put my 30 years of experience in business, at the service of supporting men and women in organizations.

"The coach acts as a mirror listening to the student. Through questioning, he offers him time to reflect on his motivations, desires and strengths, and helps him to value his strengths and define the stages of his university and professional project."


EMCC accredited coach and psychologist, with experience as a Human Resources Consultant in a Consulting Firm and an HR Manager in a company. 
Reflex HR Director.

"The coaching session is based on simple principles: the art of questioning, active listening and reformulation. This approach allows you to reflect on yourself and take a step back to project yourself into your professional project in line with your desires, your passions, your motivations or even your dreams ... it is the beginning of an inner journey..."

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